Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Guntur Kaaram trailer was released yesterday amidst massive fan celebrations and excitement. As expected, the trailer has set the internet on fire and has already recorded around 17 million views so far. Interestingly, Mahesh Babu has a key role in the trailer release and shared his insights on the trailer that made the final cut.
Initially, a trailer was prepared with many more emotional moments and surprises. Mahesh suggested the final Guntur Kaaram trailer be modified as he did not want to reveal the surprises and emotional content in the trailer. Due to this reason, the trailer release was delayed. There are also some sound mixing problems in televisions which the team was working on. (In mobile phones it is working fine).
The movie is said to be very high on emotional content too. Trivikram has reportedly written strong emotions with beautiful dialogues and the climax will end on a high emotional note. The trailer has received an extraordinary response and is expected to break record views for 24 hours. Mahesh Babu’s energy, dialogue delivery, and modulation have stood as the trailer’s highlights.