Superstar Mahesh Babu launched the trailer of Srikanth’s son Roshan starter Pelli SandaD. Sree Leela is playing the lead role in this family drama. The film also marks the acting debut of ace director K Raghavendra Rao. Launching the trailer, Mahesh tweeted:
K Raghavendra Rao himself has done direction supervision for the film. Incidentally, it was Srikanth who played the lead role in the original Pelli Sandadi again directed by K Raghavendra Rao in 1996.
Pelli SandaD appears billed to be a family entertainer is packed with a huge supporting cast. Directed by Gowri Ronanki, Rao Ramesh, Prakash Raj, Rajendra Prasad, Vennela Kishore among others feature in this film. MM Keeravani has composed the tunes for the film produced by Madhavi Kovelamudi, Shobhu Yarlagadda, Prasad Devineni