Sarkaru Vaari Paata pre release event was held last night at yousufguda grounds, Hyderabad. All the Sarkaru Vaari Paata team members were present at the event. Thaman along with his team entertained the audience with the live performances. Director Sukumar graced the event as chief guest and launched the much hyped mass song of SVP. Anil Ravipudi, Vamsi Paidipally, Gopichand Malineni and Buchi Babu sana also attended the event. And the highlight of the event is as usual the Superstar Mahesh Babu.
Mahesh looked so active and confident all through the event. The Superstar for his super human nature received standing ovation at the event. Dr. P.V.Rama Rao of Andhra hospital praised the superstar for helping around 2500 children with heart surgeries. The event was a feast for Superstar fans and it went heights with the emotional speech of Mahesh Babu.
Mahesh babu started with extending his thanks to the cast and crew of Sarkaru Vaari Paata. Towards the end of his speech Superstar became emotional talking about his loved ones and fans. He emotionally said that people close to his heart went far away in these two years but the constant thing he have is his fans. The superstar stressed that the fans love is enough for him to move forward in the life. These emotional words touched everyone especially his fans. Superstar’s speech moved all his fans.