Mahesh Babu and Trivikram will join Balakrishna’s Unstoppable. It is widely known that Balakrishna’s Unstoppable Show’s latest edition also was a blockbuster. Recently, the Animal team was present in the show and promoted their film. The latest reports strongly suggest that Mahesh Babu and Trivikram are all set to join Balakrishna’s Unstoppable.
The Shoot for Guntur Kaaram is almost finished, as Superstar Mahesh Babu and top director Trivikram are working on it. The film is in preparation for the Sankranthi 2024 release that will take place on January 12th. While the fans were waiting for the second single of Guntur Kaaram, the news of Mahesh and Trivikram being present in the following episode of Balakrishna’s Unstoppable has excited everyone. The shooting of this episode will reportedly be done in January.
Mahehs’s second entry in Unstoppable Show
The episode will be streamed during the Sankranthi holiday season. The team’s official confirmation is still pending. If we go into the past, Mahesh Babu was the final guest for Unstoppable Season 1, and the episode worked very well. Now, let’s hope that Mahesh Babu and Trivikram will join Balakrishna’s Unstoppable and make it a grand finale for the third edition of Unstoppable Show.
Busy Schedule for Balayya – Vacation Time for Mahesh
Balakrishna is currently shooting for his next film in Ooty, and Bobby is directing it. The film will be released on screens next year. Balayya is presently focused on politics and movies. By the third week of December, Mahesh Babu will finish the filming for Guntur Kaaram and then take a holiday overseas for New Year.