Tollywood Director Rajamouli announced his next project after RRR with Mahesh Babu. The film will be a globetrotting adventure as indicated by the team. It will also be made on a very large scale. Fans and Audiences have been waiting since the announcement for an update. The Pre-production works for the film are also going on and Mahesh Babu even took part in a look test for the film as well. But both Mahesh Babu and Rajamouli have disappointed the fans again.
The launch of the film was supposed to happen long before but it didn’t. This disappointed the fans. All had expected the film to launch during the Ugadi festival but the team made no step ahead. Generally, Rajamouli announces details about his films through a press meet every time but this is taking time to audiences’ disappointment. Now, they feel that the director and team might conduct this press meet during the birthday of Superstar Krishna, father of Mahesh Babu.
There is also a talk that Rajamouli would provide details regarding the film with a pre-shot VFX Video as a prelude of the film. This gives audiences an idea about the film. The budget for the film would be as massive as for the previous films of Rajamouli.