Mahesh Babu and Priyanka Chopra are in Action for SSMB29. It is widely known that Mahesh Babu – Rajamouli film is the biggest film in Indian cinema and the first film to target international markets with a simultaneous release. The pre-production works of the film have been happening for a long time. Superstar Mahesh Babu joined the workshops of the film long back and he is preparing for action episodes. The latest news is even the actress Priyanka Chopra also joined Mahesh Babu for Workshops.
Reportedly, the actor and actress are taking part in rehearsals which are happening continuously and there will be full security for these works, and no one will be allowed inside the workshops. The fans of Superstar Mahes are excited to know that Mahesh Babu and Priyanka Chopra are in Action for SSMB29.
As the film will be made as an action-adventure, the action parts will occupy the major portion. Prithviraj Sukumaran is also likely to join the unit very soon. SSMB29’s shooting is also expected to start very soon, and the team wants to go on sets with full preparation there will not be any big breaks in between, and once shooting starts there will be continuous schedules. The film is targeting the 2027 summer release.