Maharaja, the 50th film of Vijay Sethupathi gathered a thunderous response after its release. The film which had least buzz before the release has struck the gold. The film took no time in grossing 50 crores worldwide with an amazing first weekend performance. Now, Maharaja’s OTT streaming date and details are locked.
THe film will stream on leading OTT Giant, Netflix from 19th July. Maharaja is still doing good putting very good numbers. The film surprisingly did well in Telugu States too. Maharaja has all chances of grossing more than 100 crores worldwide. This will also be the first 100 crores film for Vijay Sethupathi who is in desperate need of a big hit. The film is also on the way of touching the 20 crores gross mark in Telugu Version worldwide.
Vijay Sethupathi was also playing cameo and supporting roles in few films. With this, Vijay Sethupathi may act again in the lead roles. He even thanked the people for making this happen. The Tamil Actor also quoted about people who starting talking bad about him if he acts in the lead roles. Vijay Sethupathi also said that Maharaja serves as an answer to such comments and anymore doubts.