Maharaja starring Vijay Sethupathi became a big hit in Kollywood. The film also brought many accolades for the performance of the Actor besides the direction and the effectiveness of the plot. The film has also grossed nearly 100 crores at the end of its run. Now, Maharaja has been released in China by the makers and the response for the film is stunning.
At the end of the 1st week, Maharaja has managed to gross $4.82 Million, 40.82 crores in Indian Rupees. This is a significant numbers for the film and it is also expected to get more in the second weekend. Maharaja may even have a quite big long run in China with the current signs of performance there.
The team of Maharaja would be pumped up with joy. Vijay Sethupathi who had a dull phase before Maharaja has now come on track with the success of the film. The success of Maharaja in China would be an additional reason for the team’s happiness. So, Let’s see how the film would perform in the 2nd week.