Magadheera starring Ram Charan and Kajal Aggarwal was a box office sensation. The film became an Industry hit in Tollywood and was praised for its large-scale making and budget. It was directed by Tollywood Maverick Director SS. Rajamouli and produced by Allu Aravind under Geetha Arts. The film’s remastered 4K version screened recently on the occasion of lead Actor Ram Charan’s birthday in Telugu States. Magadheera’s 4K version with Dolby Audio is now available on YouTube.
The film’s 4K remastered version has been released today on YouTube through the official X account of Geetha Arts. The film as said became a jewel for both the lead actor and director SS Rajamouli. Rajamouli cemented his position as the leading director of Tollywood with this film. He went on to make VFX biggies after this film’s huge success. Baahubali brought him even more accolades across the nation. And with RRR, he catapulted his image across the globe. The song Naatu Naatu from RRR won the prestigious Oscar Award for Best Original Song.
Magadheera will surely be a special film for Ram Charan and his fans as well. It established him as the leading star hero of Tollywood. Fans still cherish the film and watch it whenever it comes on the TV.