Lucky Bhaskar, starring Dulquer Salmaan, initially seemed poised for an easy ₹100 crore milestone given its star-studded cast, favorable Diwali release, and widespread positive reviews. However, the film has been underperforming in the Telugu market, possibly due to stiff competition from other releases like Amaran and KA.This competition appears to be limiting its box office performance in the Telugu-speaking regions, where a stronger opening was expected.
In contrast, Lucky Bhaskar has resonated exceptionally well with Malayalam and Tamil audiences. In Kerala alone, the film has grossed close to ₹6.5 crore in just three days. In the Gulf markets, which are known for their substantial Malayalam diaspora, Lucky Bhaskar is showing impressive traction.
Tamil Nadu is also embracing the film enthusiastically, though a limited number of shows might be constraining its full potential there. However, expectations remain high for a significant boost during the second weekend.
The film’s total worldwide collection reached approximately ₹34 crore in its first three days, with projections indicating a potential ₹45 crore by the end of the weekend. While reaching ₹100 crore will require a steady performance in the Telugu market, the Malayalam and Tamil markets are expected to play a crucial role in pushing Lucky Bhaskar closer to this milestone.
With its promising trajectory outside of Telugu states, the film has a 50-50 chance of joining the ₹100 crore club.