The much-anticipated film Lucky Bhaskar has garnered impressive numbers over its first 10 days at the box office. With sensational performances in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, the movie is making waves, despite an underwhelming reception in the Telugu-speaking regions. Overall, the film’s box office success highlights its broad appeal and potential to cross significant milestones.
In detail, Lucky Bhaskar grossed around 27 crore in the Telugu states, a decent but lower-than-expected figure compared to its stellar collections in other regions. Tamil Nadu saw an impressive 7.5 crore gross, while Kerala, one of the movie’s strongest markets, contributed a remarkable 15.2 crore. Karnataka’s share came in at 4 crore, and the rest of India (ROI) added another 1 crore. Together, the film has achieved a robust all-India gross of 55 crore.
Internationally, Lucky Bhaskar has also captured audiences, grossing 22 crore from overseas markets. This brings its worldwide gross to an impressive 77 crore. With continued weekend viewership, Lucky Bhaskar is now eyeing the 85-crore mark by today and is on track to potentially surpass the coveted 100-crore milestone in its full run.
Overall, Lucky Bhaskar stands as a testament to strong cross-regional and international interest, solidifying its place as a notable success in recent releases.