Tamil Director, Lokesh Kanagaraj is currently busy with his upcoming film, Coolie starring Rajinikanth. The Director took part in a conversation with media reporters where he was asked about Leo 2. Lokesh Kanagaraj has also spoken about the LCU films and his other commitments.
He said that he wanted the title of Leo 2 to be Parthiban if the sequel is made. The Director also was not sure of its making since Vijay’s political commitments. Vijay made it clear that he wouldn’t be starring in films anymore after Thalapathy69. So, Lokesh Kanagaraj would have to go without a film on Leo in his LCU series. He also stated that his current film, Coolie will be a standalone film and not a part of the LCU.
Kanagaraj said that he would concentrate on bringing all the important characters from LCU for a film after Coolie. Coming to Coolie, Telugu Actor Nagarjuna recently started shooting for his character as well. His video from the film’s shoot was also leaked.