Director Lokesh Kanagaraj made news after announcing his next film with Superstar Rajinikanth. The film is tentatively titled #Thalaivar171. Rajinikanth will be playing a gold smuggling don in the film. Anirudh Ravichander was also roped in to compose the tunes for the film. Now, the news is Kanagaraj has roped in Shruthi Hassan in the film.
Kanagaraj recently did a song with Shruthi Haasan titled Inimel. Now she will be playing a pivotal role in his film. The teaser will be released along with the title on 22nd April. The entire cast will be announced in the video as well. The shooting of this film will also start from this June. There are also rumors that the film will be based on a Hollywood film, Purge. The first look too depicted Rajini portraying a menacing look with his hands locked with a Gold Chain.
Rajinikanth has been shooting for his current film, Vettaiyan which will release in this October. The film is directed by T.J. Gnanavel. He will be moving to his next film, Hukum, Jailer’s sequel directed by Nelson. Hukum will be made on a Pan India scale as Jailer became a big blockbuster grossing more than 600 crores worldwide.