‘Thalapathy’ Vijay’s exit from films will be a massive blow for Kollywood’s distributors and exhibitors. He is the biggest film star in Tamil Nadu, and he has consistently proven it time and time again. He will be next seen in Venkat Prabhu’s The Greatest of All Time, followed by DVV Danayya’s production. He has officially labelled the latter as the last film of his acting career.
However, Lokesh Kanagaraj has smartly hinted at Vijay’s re-entry into films after his political entry. In a media interaction, the celebrated Tamil director has made some sensational comments about his future endeavours. Answering a question posed, he stated that a sequel to Leo (2023) will certainly happen, but it’ll take time to materialise. He went on to say that ‘Thalapathy’ Vijay’s aspirations are somewhere else (politics), and he wished him good luck.
When Vijay announced his last project, fans and moviegoers were highly disappointed, as they wouldn’t get to see him (in future LCU films) face Dilli, Rolex, and Vikram. However, Kanagaraj’s statements gave them all a spark of hope and created a frenzy on the internet.