Lokesh Kanagaraj got injured during Leo theater visit. The creator of LCU, who is enjoying the success of his film ‘Leo’, was injured while attending a promotional event for the film at a movie hall in Palakkad on Tuesday.
When Kanagaraj arrived at the movie hall, numerous crowd had already gathered to have a glimpse of the director. He was promoting the film in Palakkad, Thrissur, and Kochi in the state and planned to return later in the day.
His plans were ruined when the fans became enraged and rushed to hug the director to take selfies, resulting in a stampede. Soon after, the police began to chase fans and during the melee, Kanagaraj suffered a leg injury. Few fans were worried when they got to know that Lokesh Kanagaraj got injured during Leo theater visit.
Kanagaraj canceled his plans to reach Thrissur and Kochi after the injury and returned to Chennai. He has assured that he will return to Kerala to promote the Vijay starrer.
Lokesh shared a selfie he took at the Palakkad theater on X (Formerly Twitter), where hundreds of fans were seen cheering for the filmmaker. “Thank you, Kerala, for your love… Over whelmed, happy and grateful to see you all in Palakkad. Due to a small injury in the crowd, I couldn’t make it to the other two venues and the press meeting. I would certainly come back to meet you all in Kerala again soon. Till then continue enjoying #Leo with the same love,” he wrote.