Vijay starrer Leo directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj has created a massive storm at the box office. The film after 10 days of box-office run has managed a staggering gross of Rs 512 crores and is not slowing down any time soon. The film has now entered the list of top 3 Kollywood grossers of all time and is right behind Rajinikanth’s 2.0 and Jailer.
While the film is a commercial blockbuster, it received mixed reviews on its release and the film’s second half in particular came under scanner for slowing down the momentum that was established by a great first half. Director Lokesh Kanagaraj has taken a note of these reviews and has stated that he accepts the criticism.
“I’ve seen the theatre response and heard there’s a lag in 2nd half which I accept. The next few days I will read everything and take that feedback for my next film,” said Lokesh Kanagaraj. Regarding the negative campaign about collections he said, “I was never concerned about the collections for my movies, producers will look into that.”
The background score of Anirudh and Lokesh’s brilliance in the action sequences enhanced the movie. Vijay’s unique characterization, which deviates from his usual image of being indomitable among the masses, was also refreshing to watch.