Vijay’s Leo has achieved another milestone at the Kollywood box office. Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, this latest installment in the Lokesh Cinematic Universe was released last week amidst massive hype and extremely high fan expectations. Leo got off to a massive opening in all territories across south India along with having a bumper opening overseas. And now, as Leo breaks Vikram record, it has now joined the Kollywood top 4 films.
On the 6th day i.e. yesterday, the movie had a great day with high occupancies owing to the festive season. Leo collected around 43Cr globally. The total 6 days gross is now around 445Cr breaking Vikram’s collections. Overall, the worldwide closing collections of Vikram are 426 crores in gross collections and 207 crores in shares.
As Leo breaks Vikram records, all eyes are on the next target which is the Ponniyin Selvan records. The Maniratnam film has collected a worldwide gross of s 501.85 crores and Leo might cross that barrier in the coming weekend. Even Jailer records don’t seem so far but it has to hold well for the next week.
With mixed talk, Leo has managed to achieve breakeven in all territories and the only pending territory now is Tamil Nadu which is also expected to achieve breakeven this weekend.