Legal Troubles Surround Animal’s OTT Release. According to the media reports, the Delhi High Court summoned T-Series and Netflix India in relation to a lawsuit filed by Cine1 Studios Private Limited, a co-producer of the recently released film Animal starring Ranbir Kapoor. The lawsuit aims to prevent the film from being released on any streaming or satellite platform until its grievances are resolved. The fans hoping to enjoy the film’s digital release from Republic Day will surely get sad by this as Legal Troubles Surround Animal’s OTT Release.
What is the issue between Animal Producers?
Cine1 Studios filed a lawsuit against T-Series, accusing them of violating the terms of their contract regarding the film Animal. The lawsuit aims to prevent the film from being released on OTT platforms. T-Series argues that Cine1 Studios gave up their rights in an amendment agreement made in August 2022. The Delhi High Court has summoned both parties and scheduled future hearings. This legal conflict could postpone the digital release of Animal.
Cine1 asserts that T-Series has violated the terms of its contract by neglecting to seek consultation or acquire consent for multiple elements, such as the release of pre-teasers, credits, marketing strategies, and the disclosure of final costs. Furthermore, Cine1 accuses T-Series of withholding information regarding the agreements made with Netflix India for internet rights and Sony Pictures Networks India for satellite rights.
Senior Advocate Amit Sibal, representing T-Series, contradicts these allegations by asserting that Cine1 relinquished all intellectual property and derivative rights for Rs 2.6 crores through an amendment agreement in August 2022.
Justice Sanjeev Narula presides over the court proceedings and has accepted the lawsuit. Summons have been issued to both defendants, instructing them to submit written statements and affidavits. The plaintiff also needs to file a reply and rejoinder if deemed necessary. The case is expected to be completed and evidence marked on March 15, with issue framing to occur later. Additional submissions have been scheduled for January 22, during which the legal teams will comprehensively present their arguments.