A Legal Case has been filed against Nayanthara and Netflix, alleging anti-Hindu activity. Nayanthara and Jai’s new film ‘Annapoorani’ has become a topic of discussion due to allegations of hurting religious sentiments and encouraging ‘Love Jihad.’ There is a backlash against the film because of the alleged inclusion of a controversial comment about Lord Ram. An FIR was filed in Mumbai by a man named Ramesh Solanki.
A Legal Case was filed against Nayanthara and Netflix, alleging anti-Hindu activity
Netflix is currently streaming “Annapoorani: The Goddess of Food,” which has Nayanthara and Jai as its lead actors. Debutant Nilesh Krishnaa directed it. Ramesh Solanki shared a statement on X (Twitter) and filed a police complaint claiming that the movie was used to promote Love Jihad. He also claimed that ‘Annapoorani’ has offended ‘Hindu sentiments’.
The complaint was filed against Nayanthara, Jai, Nilesh, producers Jatin Sethi, R Ravindran, Punit Goenka, Zee Studios Chief Business Officer Shariq Patel, and the head of Netflix India, Monika Shergill. The fans of the actress are shocked as a Legal Case has been filed against Nayanthara and Netflix alleging anti-Hindu activity.
Anapoorani Cast and Crew, Story Plot Details
Annapoorani: The Goddess of Food features Nayanthara as an ambitious chef who participates in the reality show ‘India’s Best Chef’ despite her mother’s dislike. ‘Annapoorani’ is jointly produced by Jatin Sethi and R Ravindran and features Jai, Sathyaraj, Redin Kingsley, Suresh Chakravarthy, Renuka, and KS Ravikumar. Thaman S composed the music, while Sathyan Sooryan was the cinematographer.
A professional chef taught Nayanthara to play the role, and the movie marks her reunion with Jai following the release of ‘Raja Rani’ in 2013.