Varun Tej and Lavanya Tripathi, the young and adorable couple of the Telugu film industry who got engaged in June, celebrated their very first Ganesh Chaturthi together. At her fiance and family’s house for the Pooja, the Andala Rakshasi joined them. Varun shared some photos of their Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations, and they looked stunning in ethnic outfits.
On Social media accounts, Varun shared photos of the Ganesh festival celebration with his fiance Lavanya Tripathi and his family. Varun is pictured posing with Lavanya, his father Naga Babu, and his mother in the photos. Lavanya and her mother are also seen in another picture performing Pooja. Varun wore a green Kurta and white pants, while Lavanya complimented him, and she looked beautiful in a saree.
Varun Tej conveyed festive wishes to fans and wrote, “Happy Vinayaka chavithi! Wishing you all great health & prosperity. Missing you @niharikakonidela.” According to reports, Lavanya Tripathi has already got very close to her in – law’s family. It is said that she has already rejected a bold web series, considering the ties with the mega family after marriage.