Kalki 2898 AD is the biggest blockbuster of the year and grossed over Rs 1000 crores at the worldwide box office. The sci-fi action project featured some of the biggest stars of Indian cinema and provided a good blend of sci-fi and Mahabharat. With the success of the first part, there are now heavy expectations for the Kalki 2898 sequel.
The producers Swapna Dutt and Priyanka Dutt revealed some interesting details about the Kalki 2898 AD sequel. “So far, 30-35% of shooting has been completed and we are planning to release part 1 in a grand way in the international markets,” revealed the producers.
Like its prequel, the second part will also be heavy on VFX and explore a world beyond the ordinary. Kamal Haasan’s role will be more prominent in this one and with Supreme Yaskin regaining his complete glory and holding Arjuna’s ‘Gandiva’, his battle with Prabhas’ Bhairava/Karna supported by Ashwatthama will truly be some spectacle on the big screen.