Nenu Student Sir, the latest Telugu film starring Bellamkonda Ganesh in the lead role, was released in theaters recently. Debutant director Rakesh Uppalapati directed Nenu Student Sir, he tried to make an interesting thriller around a missing cellphone, but the audiences did not like it and the film failed at the box office. Nenu Student Sir is now streaming on OTT on not one but two leading platforms.
Nenu Student Sir is now available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video and Aha Video. Those who missed watching this film in theaters can give it a try now, relaxing in their homes. The film tries to show the financial scam related to unclaimed bank accounts, which is a relatively unknown concept to many.
Avanthika Dassani played the female lead in the film, while Samuthirakani played an important role. Sunil, Srikanth Iyengar, Auto Ramprasad, and Charandeep played other crucial roles. SV 2 Entertainment produced this movie, and Mahati Swara Sagar composed the tunes. Krishna Chaitanya wrote the script.
The film tells us the story of Subbu (Ganesh Bellamkonda) who is a student and loves the iPhone very much. He plans to buy an iPhone 12, but his financial status holds him back, and after saving money for many years, he buys the iPhone. Unfortunately, the phone goes missing and lands him in trouble. How did Subbu get back his phone? What circumstances did Subbu had to go through because of his confrontations with the Police? Answers to these questions form the rest of the story.