Today, the Malayalam film industry witnesses two epic milestones. Firstly, Manjummel Boys crosses the 150 Cr club, becoming the second Malayalam film to achieve this after the 2018 Movie. The film is poised to surpass the 180 Cr mark set by the 2018 Movie and emerge as the all-time industry hit, aiming for the coveted 200 Cr milestone.
Additionally, Premalu achieves the 100 Cr mark today, joining the elite 100 Cr club. It’s the fifth film to achieve this feat after Pulimurugan, Lucifer, the 2018 Movie, and Manjummel Boys.
It’s noteworthy that no South Indian film industry has produced two hundred crore grossers in February within a single year. February is not typically a peak season, so most films opt for other release dates. Only Bheemla Nayak from Telugu and Valimai from Tamil, released in February, managed to gross more than 100 Cr.
Manjummel Boys emerges as the biggest grosser for South Indian cinema among February releases, marking a significant achievement.