Lal Salaam, a sports drama about two aspiring sportsmen from Hindu and Muslim communities starring superstar Rajinikanth, was released on February 9 to a low-key buzz around the world. Aishwarya Rajinikanth wrote and directed the film, which stars various well-known actors in key parts. Lal Salaam had an unimpressive theatrical run.
The film revolves around friendships between Hindus and Muslims, and despite shoddy storytelling, it conveys a positive message. Some sections of the film, such as the climax, are acknowledged to have been well-conceived. Superstar Rajinikanth’s Lal Salaam received negative reviews; however, the film’s digital streaming rights have been purchased by two OTT sites. Netflix India and Sun NXT paid a reasonable amount of money for the streaming rights.
Lal Salaam’s OTT release was delayed for a variety of reasons, including film director Aishwarya Rajinikanth’s claim of missing footage.The latest news on Rajinikanth’s Lal Salaam OTT release is that it will premiere on the Sun NXT platform on September 20. The date has not been officially confirmed, but the movie will apparently only be available on Sunday NXT.