With Geetha Govindam, Vijay Devarakonda has created a positive brand in Tamil Nadu. Even after Geetha Govindam his next films despite being box-office failures managed to open with decent numbers. And now, something similar happened for the Kushi Tamil version as well. The film opened with 1Cr gross in Tamil Nadu and witnessed a big jump over day 2 and 3.
Over the course of the weekend, Kushi Tamil collected around Rs 5Cr gross in 1st weekend. Surprisingly after the weekend also the film maintained very strong hold and collected 7Cr+ gross till now. This is totally contrasting to what happened in Telugu states where the the film crashed after the weekend and saw a massive dip in occupancies all over AP & Telangana.
Kushi Tamil version is now expected to easily do double-digit gross in TN which is a very big achievement even for a big budget pan India film. Several biggies in the recent past have failed to collect in double digits and Kushi’s performance is indeed a pleasant surprise for the team. The romantic entertainer was bought for 2.5Cr in TN and it’s already in profits.
Directed by Shiva Nirvana, Kushi also starred Samantha, Murali Sharma, Jayaram, Sachin Khedekar, Saranya Pradeep, and Vennela Kishore in crucial roles. It is a pan-India release hitting the screens in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, and Kannada languages