The Chartbuster song from Guntur Kaaram, Kurchi Madathapetti has set a new record. The song quickly became a rage on social media with its popularity and attracted huge memes and reels online. It also became an asset for the film driving its popularity further. The song has clocked more than 550 Million Views on YouTube which is a sensational feat.
The song as said features massy dance movements from the lead pair Mahesh Babu and Sree Leela offering eye-candy visuals throughout. Music Director Thaman too scored fine foot-tapping score offering a repeat value. The photography handled by Manoj Paramahamsa brought in a visual spectacle making the song memorable for the fans and audience.
The song will also be touching the coveted 600 Million mark soon showing a wider reach worldwide. The song has been a nationwide sensation contributing to its Netflix viewership which had the film trended on the #1 spot for many days.