Director Krish does not want to waste more time on Hari Hara Veera Mallu. It is widely known that this talented director has joined hands with Power Star Pawan Kalyan for a Historical movie named Hari Hara Veera Mallu. However, the film has gone through countless stoppages and reschedules in filming. So now the inside reports strongly suggest that Krish does not want to waste more time on Hari Hara Veera Mallu, and he has moved on to the next project.
As said above, Krish got stuck with HHVM for years. Due to many reasons, the film is still on set, and it will take much more time to get back on to the locations as Pawan Kalyan is busy with OG and Ustaad Bhagat Singh’s projects.
Also, the Janasenani will be taking a break for elections next year. Hence, the Gamyam director plans to move to a new project, and he has already developed a powerful female-centric subject.
Regarding female-centric powerful characters, Anushka Shetty will appear as the number one option for Tollywood. Now, Krish is in plans to start this new project as soon as possible with Anushka Shetty as Hari Hara Veera Mallu, and it may take a longer time to get back to the sets again. The discussions are said to have started between Anushka and Jagarlamudi Krish.