Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Acharya is slated for release on coming Friday. Ram charan and Pooja Hegde paired up for Koratala Siva’s directorial. A lot of buzz is doing rounds about the lead actress for Chiranjeevi in Acharya. It is known that Kajal signed as heroine for the film. But in all the promotional stuff right from posters to trailer, Kajal is not seen. So it is heard that Kajal is not part of the film.
Talking about Kajal’s role in Acharya, Koratala Siva confirmed that Kajal will not be seen in the film. He told that they thought of having a heroine as it is a commercial entertainer. But the script has no place for Chiranjeevi’s love interest in the film. Though they shot with Kajal for 3 days, they decided to edit that part. Director told that he convinced Chiranjeevi and Kajal as he don’t want to add the character forcefully in the script.
Koratala Siva is glad as Kajal agreed and wished us good luck even after knowing that she won’t be part of the film anymore. So it is now confirmed that Chiranjeevi will not have any love interest in the movie. Hence there will not be any duets for the star hero as the role is powerful.