Kollywood’s Star Hero, Thala Ajith Kumar’s love for motorcycles and road trips is very much known to everyone as he gives importance to them as his career. Even as the actor is working on his upcoming film Vidaa Muyarchi, he has announced his new venture into a motorcycle touring company. In an official press release, the actor said that he is launching a touring company called AK Moto Ride that will cater to passionate bike riders across India. With the new company, it will supply a fleet of well-maintained Super bikes, which can be rented for rides throughout India and selected foreign locations.
The statement read, “I am now pleased to share I will be channeling my passion for motorcycles and the outdoors into a professional endeavour, through a motorcycle touring company, AK Moto Ride.”
Thala Ajith recently took a break from his bike trip around the world, Ride for Mutual Respect, to work on his next project, Vidaa Muyarchi. He has already travelled across India on the first leg of the tour, and he will resume the second schedule in Australia in September after wrapping up the shoot of the film. He will travel across Australia and New Zealand on the world tour.
Meanwhile, his fans have piled up big hopes on Vidaa Muyarchi that it will be better than his last release, Thunivu, which did not received a unanimous positive response from the audience. Directed by Maghizh Thirmueni, the film will have music by Anirudh Ravichander and cinematography by Nirav Shah. Lyca Productions is bankrolling the film, which is expected to be released in 2024.