Starring young actors Kiran Abbavaram and Kashmira in major roles, Vinaro Bhagyamu Vishnu Katha has made her OTT debut now. The film is available for streaming in Telugu language on Aha Video. The film has landed on OTT, and it is available for streaming now.
Vinaro Bhagyamu Vishnu Katha is an entertainer with a mix of action and thrills with a hostage set up. The film had a fairly decent run at the box office, and it has now marked its arrival on OTT.
Several critics and audiences also appreciated the concept of a number-neighbor, much to the makers’ delight, have lapped up the concept. The good word of mouth had helped the film to attract more audience towards the theaters.
This Kiran Abbavaram starrer has been directed by Murali Kishore Abburu. Bunny Vas has bankrolled this movie, with Allu Aravind presenting it. Daniel Viswas is the director of photography, while Marthand K. Venkatesh has handled the editing duties. Chetan Bharadwaj is the music director.