KA starring Kiran Abbavaram has hit a jackpot by becoming a blockbuster. The film secured a positive word of mouth on the opening day showing a big sign of box office performance. Likewise, the film grossed around 10 crores gross worldwide for two days. With this result, fans and audience have already started speculating about the sequel of KA. Now, Kiran Abbavaram has also spoken on the possibility of KA 2.
The team of KA has ended the film without a lead for the sequel films. Going by the current trend, the makers of KA wouldn’t miss coming up with the sequel in the future. So, its very interesting to see if they come with a fresh concept for the sequel. We need to see if they would continue or come up with another plot on the same lines for the sequel.
Right now, the team and Kiran Abbavaram are enjoying the success of the film. The film is also on track of grossing more than 25 crores in the full run worldwide. All the diwali releases apart from KA such as Lucky Baskhar and Amaran have achieved a positive talk and are also running successfully at the box office.