Kiara Advani was spotted at the Hyderabad airport earlier. She arrived in the city to take part in the puja of director Shankar and Ram Charan’s #RC15. Reportedly, the puja ceremony will be followed by a photoshoot featuring Ram Charan and Kiara Advani.
On July 31, producer Dil Raju’s took to Twitter to welcome Kiara Advani on board. She will be playing the female lead in the trilingual film. The full-fledged shooting of this period film will commence sometime later this month.
Ahead of the film’s puja, Kiara Advani was spotted at the Hyderabad airport. Ram Charan will be seen alongside Kiara Advani after Vinaya Vidheya Rama in this film. Sai Madhav Burra has been roped in for the dialogues while SS Thaman will compose tunes for the film.
This film is going to be unlike any of the other Shankar films. Reportedly, heavy usage of VFX and costly sets that are a part of Shankar’s films will be missing in #RC15.