The Kerala Story starring Adah Sharma became a controversial film after its release. The film was based on a real-life incident that happened in Kerala. It features Adah Sharma becoming a hostage and her struggle to come to her homeland. It also deals with religious conversions in the film which made it controversial across the nation. Now, Kerala’s Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has urged to stop the broadcast of The Kerala Story.
The film though controversial became a surprise hit in North India. Now it is getting ready to premiere on TV. The Kerala Story will air on the Government channel, Doordarshan on April 5th. The CM of Kerala took strong objection to this and condemned the plan of screening the film. The CM called it a propaganda film and urged to stop the screening.
Such Propaganda films have been on a roll recently. Many films like Kashmir Files, Razakar, and Savarkar have been made and released also. This caused a big controversy across the nation. Political parties are screening and making films for their benefit and agenda as elections are around the corner. People must back off from encouraging such films and support only films that are intended for everyone.