Kollywood abuzz with rumors of actress Keerthy Suresh once again. It was reported that Keerthy Suresh’s will marry the sensational music director Anirudh Ravichander. Anirudh and the National Award-winning actress were reportedly planning to get married by the end of this year, according to a recent report. The rumor was busted by Keerthy’s father, who clarified it.
Producer-actor G Suresh Kumar, the father of Keerthy, denied the rumors and confirmed that there is no truth in these speculations.
“There’s absolutely no truth in that. The reports are all baseless, without an iota of truth in it. There have been news stories about her being linked to many others, and this is not the first time someone has put out a news story about her and Anirudh.”
Keerthy’s mother, Menaka Suresh, who was a yesteryear actress, addressed rumors about her alleged wedding with her childhood friend and businessman earlier this year. She was rumored to have been in a decade-long relationship with the person. These reports were dismissed by Menaka.