Siren (2024) is an action thriller film starring Jayan Ravi and Keerthy Suresh in lead roles. Helmed by debutant Antony Bhagyaraj, it also stars Anupama Parameshwaran and Yogi Babu in key supporting roles. Released amidst good buzz on the Valentine’s Day weekend, the film received positive reviews and emerged as a ‘Hit’.
For reasons unknown, the film didn’t have a Telugu release, but fortunately, Siren is now available for streaming on Diseny and Hotstar in all the Indian languages, including Telugu. Also marketed as Siren 108, the film narrates the story of an ambulance driver who gets imprisoned after being framed for the murder of a powerful man. After fourteen long years, he gets released and vows to seek revenge.
Home Movie Makers bankrolled this film, while Udhayanidhi Stalin’s Red Gaint Movies distributed it worldwide. G. V. Prakash Kumar composed the songs, while Sam C. S. handled the background score.