Adipurush is facing an enormous backlash in India, despite it creating a record in the box office collections. Now Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, has banned the release of Indian films because of Adipurush. The total ban on Indian films in Kathmandu happened when the mayor of the capital city raised questions about Sita’s representation in the film Adipurush.
Taboola Balen Shah previously questioned Sita’s portrayal in the Adipurush. Balen Shah objected to the fact that Sita was referred to as the “daughter of India” while in reality, she was the “daughter of Nepal”. The makers of Adipurush also reportedly modified the film to resolve the grievances of Nepalese politicians.
“If the movie is allowed to be telecast in other areas and abroad by prohibiting the performance of anti-national films within the Kathmandu Metropolitan area, then it is prohibited to perform any Indian movie in Kathmandu metropolitan from tomorrow until objectionable portions are removed from the movie,” Balen Shah said in a Facebook post.
Previously, the censor board of Nepal certified Adipurush after the controversial dialogue on Sita was removed from the T-series, but the release of the film was stalled in Nepal.
This is not the only problem Adipurush is facing with the audiences in India as they are criticizing the film for its poor visual effects, offending dialogues, and below-average character sketches of the actors. Political parties like Congress and other opposition groups are also attacking the BJP and other right-wing groups over their silence on the film’s mistakes.