Pawan Kalyan’s much-awaited Katamarayudu finally hit the screens on 24th March 2017. A remake of Ajith’s Veeram this action drama starring Shruti Haasan had an excellent start at the box office. The film collected ₹ 22.43 Cr in AP and Telangana on day one continuing the trend of Pawan Kalyan’s great openings. Here’s a detailed breakup of Katamarayudu 1st Day AP/TG Collections.
Katamarayudu 1st Day AP/TG Collections
Nizam | ₹ 4.13 Cr | ₹ -- |
Ceded | ₹ 2.98 Cr | ₹ -- |
Uttarandhra | ₹ 3 Cr | ₹ -- |
Guntur | ₹ 2.97 Cr | ₹ -- |
East Godavari | ₹ 3.56 Cr | ₹ -- |
West Godavari | ₹ 2.91 Cr | ₹ -- |
Krishna | ₹ 1.61 Cr | ₹ -- |
Nellore | ₹ 1.33 Cr | ₹ -- |
AP/TS | ₹ 22.43 Cr | ₹ -- |
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Disclaimer: The box office figures are compiled from various sources. The figures can be approximate and TrackTollywood does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data. However they are adequately indicative of the box-office performance of the film(s).