Meiyazhagan, titled ‘Satyam Sundaram’ in its Telugu-dubbed version, is a light-hearted drama film starring Karthi and Aravind Swamy in lead roles. It is produced by Suriya and Jyothika under ‘2D Entertainments’.
Upon release, it received rave reviews from audiences, with critics lavishing praise on the performances of the cast, music, and emotional depth. Talking about its collections, the film is estimated to mint a worldwide gross of INR 2.6 crore, which falls short of Karthi’s previous outings in Sardar and Japan but still is a decent start.
Needless to say, these kinds of non-commercial films don’t register huge footfalls initially but ride on their full run. Owing to the positive word-of-mouth and, of course, the reception around Devara being mixed, Satyam Sundaram is expected to perform well for the next ten days.