Kanguva starring Suriya is one of the most awaited films in Kollywood. The film is made on a large scale aiming for a Pan India blockbuster. The film’s shoot is also progressing on a fast pace and the release date has been scheduled on 10th October. An interesting news has emerged now which is truly massive. Suriya’s brother cum Actor Karthi is set to offer a big blast in Kanguva in the form of a cameo as a surprise to the fans and audiences.
Kanguva has already been reported to release in two parts. The first part is said to be ending with a cameo appearance of Karthi leading to the 2nd part. Karthi is also learned to play a massive role in the second part of Kanguva along with his brother Suriya. This is a great news for audiences as both Suriya and Karthi never shared screen space. Many people wanted them to see on screen together for a film. Finally, this will be happening with Kanguva.
Devi Sri Prasad is composing the music for Kanguva. The first lyrical song from the film, Fire Song is also set to release tomorrow at 11 AM. Suriya is aiming big to score a hit with Kanguva. His previous films have failed at the box office in recent years. But Kanguva is making noise in the Telugu market. It has been sold for a record price as well.