Hero Nikhil Siddharth, who achieved sensational success at the box office with the film Karthikeya 2, came before the audience with the movie called 18 Pages this week. Written by Sukumar and directed by Surya Pratap, GA2 the subsidiary banner of Geetha Arts produced the film. However, in the promotions of this film, the hero Nikhil Siddharth tried to give a clarity about the upcoming movies.
Nikhil was asked about Karthikeya 3 and when it will start, he said that they are taking the project with utmost care as the expectations will be very great.
Nikhil confirmed that Karthikeya 3 is definitely on cards and the plot has already narrated by director Chandoo Mondeti and revealed that they will make the part 3 into 3D.
There is no doubt that the audience will have huge hopes on this sequel and this will be undoubtedly another craziest project from Tollywood.
Meanwhile, Nikhil got a shock with his latest film 18 Pages. The film saw terrible openings at the box office. Even the brand of Sukumar also failed to bring the audience to theaters.
Director Sukumar wrote the story of 18 Pages movie, and it is helmed by Palnati Surya Pratap, which narrates a romance drama with a hint of mystery in which two characters fall in love without having met.
The film had an interesting plot with a nice love story, Nikhil Siddharth and Anupama Parameswaran’s performance was also appreciated but as said above, there was a very less percentage of the audience which came to the theaters to watch this film, which resulted in the film being a failure.