It is a known fact 2020 Malayalam superhit Kappela is being made in Telugu with Siddhu Jonnelagadda and Arjun Das in main roles. While the hunt for the female lead is on, it has been revealed the makers are considering the title ‘Butta Bomma’ for the film.
The film was launched in Hyderabad on Wednesday with Trivikram attending the ceremony as a special guest. Incidentally, it was from Trivikram’s ‘Ala Vaikunthapurram Lo’ blockbuster song Butta Bomma, that the makers got the inspiration for the title of the film.
The original Malayalam version featured Sreenath Bhasi, Roshan Matthew, and Anna Ben in lead roles. The movie revolves around a naive young girl from a small town who falls in love with an autorickshaw driver over phone calls. What happens next forms the crux of the story.
The remake of Kappela will be directed by debutant S Chandrasekhar while Sithara Entertainments will bankroll the project.