Earlier this year, Hombale Films founder Vijay Kirgandur, in an interaction with the media, revealed that Rishab Shetty had already started working on the script of pan India blockbuster Kantara. The first portion of the film, Kantara 2 requires shooting during rain and that is why the monsoon season was selected as the shoot time. However, the pre-production of the film is experiencing prolonged delays.
Kantara 2 will be made as a prequel of Kantara and because the first part became a pan-Indian success, the team wants to deliver the best for Kantara 2, which is causing the delays in pre-production. The team firstly planned to start the shoot in June, and later it got postponed to August and the unit wanted to release the film in 2024 Summer.
Now the inside reports strongly suggest that the shoot plan is postponed to this year-end and they are planning to release the film in the second half of 2024.
Kantara was first released in Kannada as a small film and when it became a massive success, they released it in Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, and Telugu. This film is an action-thriller that is rooted in Karnataka folklore and is written and directed by Rishab Shetty himself. Kantara also starred Kishore, Achyuth Kumar, Sapthami Gowda, and Pramod Shetty in pivotal roles.