Manchu Vishnu, a prominent Telugu actor, is now filming his dream project, ‘Kannappa.’ With a star-studded ensemble, an ambitious vision, and a touch of mystery surrounding Prabhas’ role, ‘Kannappa’ is guaranteed to provide an excellent cinematic experience. The filming officially began in New Zealand’s forests.
Kannappa is an upcoming Telugu fantasy film directed by Mukesh Kumar Singh and produced by Mohan Babu. It is based on the story of Kannappa, a devotee of the Hindu god Shiva. Manchu Vishnu is aiming for a strong comeback with the success of this film.The film’s cast includes Mohan Babu, Prabhas, Akshay Kumar, Mohan Lal, Sarath Kumar, Madhubala, and Kajal Aggarwal. Apart from Telugu, the film will be dubbed in a number of other Indian languages, including Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi.
However, the biggest disadvantage of the film appears to be its low quality. Despite its star-studded cast and high budget, Kannappa movie fails to generate much buzz. The primary cause of this is poor promotional content. The movie trailer drew mixed reactions, and now the character reveal posters are being mocked. The movie team is constantly releasing posters featuring famous actors and their parts in the film. However, the poor design and lack of content in these posters are spoiling the buzz surrounding the film.