Tollywood Actor Manchu Vishnu’s high budget project, Kannappa is currently in the making stage. The film having an ensemble cast is also aimed as a Pan India biggie by the makers. Kannappa’s release date has also been confirmed by the makers today by a poster release in the premises of Shri Mahakaleshwar Temple in Ujjain.
Kannappa is officially set for release on 25th April in 2025. The film will aim the Summer season packed with a long holiday period with this release slot. Lead Actor Manchu Vishnu alongwith other Actors Mohanbabu and Sarath Kumar took part in this auspicious event in Ujjain Temple.
Vishnu is aiming to score a big blockbuster with Kannappa by also hoping of a solid comeback. He had no hit in the recent years as an Actor. Currently he is also serving as the President of Movie Artistes Association (MAA). Tollywood Actor, Prabhas is also playing a cameo role in Kannappa to hype up the film more nationwide. His look has been leaked recently which went viral later on social media platforms.