Kanguva starring Suriya is one of the most awaited films of Kollywood. The film is also slated for release on 14th November worldwide. Now, Kanguva’s first review is out from the lyricist and dialogue writer, Madhan Karky. He has shared his views through the review on his official X/Twitter handle. This long review of Kanguva has really set the bar high ahead of the release.
Madhan Karky has seen the full version of Kanguva. This happened during the dubbing sessions as he stated. He said that the grandeur of visuals, intricate detailing of the art and depth of the story combined with the majestic music made it one of the finest pieces of art created. He has also appreciated the performance of Suriya in the film
Karky also thanked director of the film, Siva for the scintillating experience he had crafted and also the production house Studio Green for weaving the thread of dreams into a reality. Suriya and the team hope of scoring a Pan India blockbuster with Kanguva.