The response to Suriya’s Kanguva has been quite disappointing for the makers and the collections have totally shocked many. Fans and trade circles had pinned high hopes on this fantasy action. Unfortunately, the film opened to poor reviews and unfavourable talk.
One of the biggest drawbacks of the film was its slow pace and particularly in the first half. With this audience feedback Kanguva is now trimmed by 12 minutes and has been re-censored. The updated version is now 143 minutes long and now will play in cinemas.
While this is a positive change, it might be quite late now. The poor word of mouth has already spread and it would have been better had the makers taken this decision before release on weekend. Now with weekend getting over audiences are not showing any interest in coming to thetares for the film because of Kanguva.
This decision from Kanguva makers has indeed surprised many. The team took a lot of time for the release and there were several postponements and release delays. Despite this, there were issues with editing, sound mixing and VFX as well. What’s the use of correcting all these after the release? This is what the film lovers are questioning.