Kanguva starring Suriya is one of the most prestigious projects of Kollywood. The film is being made with a big budget and aimed as a Pan India biggie by the makers. Kanguva was scheduled to release on October 10th but now got postponed to Diwali due to a clash with Vettaiyan starring Rajinikanth. Fans of Suriya have become disappointed and not happy with Kanguva’s postponement. They have started targeting Suriya and the team of Kanguva for opting for another date.
The team of Kanguva has decided to postpone to a new date i.e., October 31st to avoid the Box office clash with Vettaiyan. As a Pan Indian biggie the film must have a solo release date for a big box office record on opening day and weekend. However this decision to postpone has not gone well with fans of Suriya. They are openly criticising both Suriya and Kanguva’s team of not being brave enough. Many fans are even posting that they would stop being Suriya’s fans if Kanguva gets postponed.
This is definitely a weird situation for the team of Kanguva. Suriya is also aiming for a big hit and he doesn’t want to risk with a clash. But this is not taken well by the fans who want him not to miss a good release date. We have to see how the team responds to this in the future.