Kanguva, the recent Suriya starrer, which was projected as a Pan India biggie is heading towards the biggest disaster in the history of Kollywood shockingly. The film released amid great expectations and hype before the release has fumbled on the opening day with a unanimous negative word of mouth from the Audience. It never recovered later in the weekend giving a major shock to fans and the makers of the film especially.
Kanguva is projected to sustain a loss of more than 150 crores overall. This is a big number and many analysts now term Kanguva to become the highest loss making venture in South India pushing down Radhe Shyam. Radhe Shyam starring Prabhas had suffered a loss of around 120 crores and ended up as a big disappointment for the Actor and makers combined. Now, it will be Kanguva’s turn. Kanguva is also expected to end up its run by grossing less than 100 crores worldwide.
This is purely an unfortunate event for Suriya. The Actor hoped of establishing himself as a Pan India sensation after this film but has suffered a major embarrassment with this result. He is also said to be in talks of compensating for the losses of Kanguva by acting in more film under the production of Studio Green.