Kanguva starring Suriya is one of the most prestigious projects currently in Kollywood. Yet, it faces many hurdles regarding the release date. The team deciding of arriving on 10th October this year which was spoiled by the plan of Vettaiyan starring Rajinikanth. Vettaiyan was also announced on 10th October leading to a direct clash. With this, the team of Kanguva announced the postponement of Kanguva. Still there is no clarity about the new release date.
The team had thought of deciding the release date as November 15th but now Singham Again starring Ajay Devgan is eyeing the same date. Initially Singham Again was planned for Diwali but they have changed their mind it seems. With this, Kanguva again thinks of not going with clash again. The reason behind this is to have a solo release in all languages to cash the success after the release. This is getting disturbed again and again.
The months of December and January are already packed with many biggies and interesting projects. So we have to see how the team of Kanguva reacts on the new release date period. Diwali can be a better choice than postponing the film further to next year’s summer which may kill the hype and expectations due to long postponement.