Kanguva starring Suriya became a nightmare at the box office. The film received poor reviews and negative response from the audience ending up as the biggest disaster of the Kollywood. By today, it is also expected to end its run by collecting in the range of 95 crores gross worldwide. Kanguva is now set for an early OTT streaming.
Kanguva streaming rights were bought by Amazon Prime Video for a record price and planned as an 8 week period release. As the film has now become a disaster, it is likely to come on the OTT platform within 4 weeks instead of the 8 week window to compensate for the OTT platform somehow.
The South Indian languages streaming is likely to be in 4 weeks. Hindi language streaming may be after 8 weeks due to the national chains agreement. Kanguva must atleast attract the OTT audience to get out of the embarrassment. The film was made on a heavy budget and now sustained a loss of more than 150 crores theatrically.